APPENDIX 2 – draft action plan for BHCC




Proposed Action

Officer responsibilities

Member/ Group responsibilities

Review Date/Update


Appoint Diversity Ambassadors for each political group on the council to work with each other and local party associations to encourage recruitment of candidates from under-represented groups.



Members are invited to consider committing to this.

Labour Group have committed to this appointment.



Encourage and enable people from under-represented groups to stand for office through the provision of activities such as mentoring and shadowing programmes

Ensure BHCC Policies support all elected Members to undertake their roles and remove barriers to participation. For example, by adopting a flexible Parental Leave Policy and ensuring the support available to officers, such as the Counselling Services, is also available to elected Members and that this is clearly communicated.

All Councillors/ Groups are invited to indicate what is currently provided in terms of mentoring or shadowing or other initiatives, and to consider what might be made available in the future in terms of mentoring, shadowing and/or other initiatives.



Provide information and learning events for people interested in standing as official candidates

Before local elections, officers plan and deliver sessions (both face to face and virtual) for people interested in standing as candidates and will continue to do this. We will continue to work with the Communities Team to ensure the sessions are advertised and made available to under-represented groups.




Proactive engagement and involvement with local community groups and partner organisations supporting and representing under-represented groups

See above.




Ensure that all members and candidates complete a candidates’ and councillors’ survey distributed at election time.

BHCC carries out an equalities survey for all members upon election. Surveying candidates is not advised as the focus is on reducing the administration accompanied with candidacy to ensue there are not additional obstacles for prospective candidates.




Set ambitious targets for candidates from under-represented groups at the next local elections.


All Councillors/Groups are encouraged to consider and progress this.